Frequently Asked Questions

What IS therapy?

Therapy is a resource best utilized to navigate issues, concerns, or crises - not as a response to a singular event. It is a relationship developed between two people that is unlike most we experience.

Therapy is a gateway to any number of possibilities. It just requires a little leap.

Do I need therapy?

That all depends!

I offer free consultations to get to know each other a bit and determine if therapy (and therapy with me) is a good fit.

And personally, everyone can use a touch of therapy!

What makes you different than other therapists?

Based on my own experiences with therapy, I conduct sessions in a way that feels more natural - I like to have a good conversation. I will challenge you, poke around a bit, and dare you to dig deeper, and I do it all with a touch of humor to ease the discomfort.

Feeling fearful or concerned about leaping?

I totally get it. TOTALLY. Starting a new relationship, ANY relationship can be daunting. Here are some of the most common fears about taking the next step:

  • My problems aren’t severe enough

  • Where and how do I start

  • I don’t want to be judged

  • I don’t want to tell a stranger intimate details about my life

  • Talking about my problems will only make them worse

If you aren’t convinced, here’s why therapy is a GREAT idea:

*Safe and confidential space that is all YOURS.

*Expert guidance.

*Improved mental well-being and resilience.

*Life-enhancing skills.

*Personal growth and empowerment.

*Support through life transitions.